PCOD and PCOS are two different conditions that affect a woman’s hormonal and reproductive health. Many people are unaware of their differences and often try to interchange or assume they are the same. But, in reality, they are different though a few symptoms match. What is PCOD? Polycystic Ovarian Disease…
Typical Gynecological Problems Affecting Women
Lotus Hospital is the one stop solution for all gynecological problems, with top Gynecologists in the country. Gynecological disease is one of the most common problems women suffer at least once in their lifetime. There are a few complications that affect reproductive health. If not taken proper care, it can…
Baby Hiccups: Understanding the Causes and Cures
Baby hiccups are absolutely adorable. From their cute coos to their tiny yawns, every action means something every parent tries to understand. When your infant hiccups, it sounds joyful, but is it normal? The simple answer is ‘Yes’. Baby and newborn hiccups are normal signs of a baby’s growth and…
Understanding the Third Trimester: Baby’s Journey and Pregnancy Tips
The third trimester, spanning from week 28 to delivery at around 40 weeks, is the final and most challenging stage of pregnancy. During this period, the rapid physical changes and the baby’s growth signal that the mother’s body is preparing for delivery. To learn more about the first and second…
Second Trimester Guidelines: Every Expecting Mother Needs to Know
The second trimester chart of pregnancy extends from Week 14 to Week 27, after the first trimester chart spanning to 13 weeks. To learn more about the first trimester, check out our blog “First Trimester Safety Tips: How to Protect Yourself and Your Baby.” Trimester 2 is often referred to as the…