Ways to have easy labor before birthing

Ways to have easy labor before birthing

Ways to have easy labor before birthing

When it comes to the birthing process, there are several things to consider. However, two of them make it to every priority list: Easy Labor and Choice of a local maternity hospital. All other things are variables, according to experienced midwives who help deliver babies across the world. There are ways to have an easy labor, and we are about to share some interesting snippets.

Stay calm and enjoy reading this post from the maternity ward of Lotus Hospitals for Women & Children. We have the best Obstetrics Facility in Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam, catering to your ‘last mile’ delivery needs. Our seasoned medical team will facilitate much before the arrival of the little one/s in your arms. 

Dealing with unknown fear of new mums

New mothers-to-be are always nervous and scared about difficult labor. But a competent midwife eases the nervousness and spots the signs of labor. By the time you are in the 34th week, the baby can be positioned for birthing.

So what do you do other than keeping the focus on the condition?

Try kneeling over a birthing ball or chair, whichever is comfortable. Have someone to support you as you are in a crucial stage of expectancy. Lie on the back and keep the knees lower than the bottom. It will put the baby in the ideal position to move out. If you are healthy, the process is likely to be smooth. Go for yoga or aqua natal classes to avoid shortness of breath and remain flexible.

Is a massage useful? 

Yes, gentle massage over the perineum area with an oil (Coconut/ almond/ etc) is recommended. It prevents tears between the vagina and anus region. The body adapts to the situation and also copes with the contractions. It will relax the mind to push the baby out when the time comes.

Is energy loss normal during labor?

During delivery, a lot of physical and mental energy is used up. Expectant mothers need to boost and maintain their energy levels. Increasing stamina and keeping muscles moving by walking and avoiding being stiff. Drink plenty of water and have some snacks to remain mindful. Try to do hypnotherapy and visualization techniques to ease the process to minimize tension and fear.

There are other ways to have easy labor in the hospital. The best maternity hospital, like Lotus Hospital, will have an experienced medical team for assistance. You will need to pack well and also ensure that your OB-GYN is available when the time to deliver comes nearer.

Many women go for C-section surgery at a maternity hospital. But according to doctors, a vaginal birth is natural and carries lesser risks compared to C-section. In the latter, the recovery is longer. Individual Obstetricians you choose provide the confidence and comfort level. In some hospitals, there are more high-risk pregnancies compared to others. Research about the hospital and the doctors in advance to understand how they help in birthing.

If you choose an elective early delivery due to medical necessity, a competent hospital with trained staff and qualified/ experienced doctors should be available. Induction before 40 weeks is done in high-risk pregnancies, complicated by high blood pressure blood sugars, or when the baby is not growing well, and /or if there are fluctuations in the heart rate. Their previous experience matters a lot. A mother should be ready for delivery, and the baby should also be ready to move out. It is very critical to have ease of labor.

When in pain, try to be upright and move forward and over. This is the safest way to get going. In the maternity ward, you can pile up the pillows on the bed, lean forward and stand. In this position, the baby puts pressure on the cervix to come out. It can shorten the process of labor.

In the end, it is always the breathing techniques that help to cope up with the baby’s arrival. Slow breaths and relaxations keep you in a good frame of mind. The muscles are relaxed, and the cervix dilates with lesser pain. The baby will take its own sweet time to come, and hurrying does not help.

What do midwives do in the final stages?

Dim the lights and encourage you to doze off or remain relaxed during contractions. Keep saving the energy to smile when it is all done.

Lotus Hospitals for Women & Children has the best Obstetrics Facility in the Hyderabad region. We provide the maximum safety and comfort for normal birthing needs. We also offer Doula care partners to boost the smoothness of the baby’s arrival. To learn more tips, do get in touch with our team of qualified doctors. 

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