How do fibroids affect the ability to conceive?

How do fibroids affect the ability to conceive?

How do fibroids affect the ability to conceive?

Several women suffer unpleasant surprises on learning that fibroids will impact their ability to get pregnant or have complications after conceiving. The problem is critical during the prime childbearing years. A basic evaluation is the first step to finding fibroids during the pre – pregnancy period and then checking possible treatment choices.

Let’s get to the bottom of this medical issue and learn how experts at Lotus Hospital handle the impact of fibroids on pregnancy.

Relation between fibroids and getting pregnant

There are several fertility problems women go through in their prime years of childbearing. The appearance of fibroids is just one case that delays pregnancy. Their type, location, and size are detrimental to the reproductive outcome. Despite this problem, some women do conceive and may suffer complications.

For example, fallopian tubes are blocked, or the shape of the uterus is altered to hinder egg implantation. A low pregnancy rate is a result of uterine fibroids more than 4 cm in size. As the shape changes, the sperm movement is affected. They are not cancerous but tend to add weight due to their mass and size. Submucosal fibroids bulge and grow in the uterine cavity. Fibroids cause infertility or become a major reason for pregnancy loss.

Detecting uterine fibroid growth?


Most women do not have symptoms like pain or aches. However, the impact of fibroids on fertility and conception cannot be ignored.

There are 6 common signs to look for.

  1. Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding.
  2. Constipation.
  3. Pressure and pain in the pelvic region.
  4. Frequency of urine.
  5. Backache and leg pain.
  6. Difficulty in emptying the bladder.

Visiting the doctor

  1. When the pelvic pain does not go away.
  2. Periods are painful and very heavy.
  3. Spotting or bleeding in between periods.
  4. Anaemia.

Medically, they are known as leiomyomas and are tumours made out of muscle. They cannot be detected by the naked eye. The mass usually shows up when a woman is 30-40 years old. In some other cases, fibroids appear earlier.

A doctor may order a few tests after a pelvic examination. They include:

  • Ultrasound– An image shows the fibroids and their size.
  • Lab tests– A complete CBC is done for anaemia and possible disorder of red blood cells. Bleeding problems are detected.
  • MRI- It provides a detailed examination of site, size and number of the fibroids.
  • Hysterosonography – A saline solution is put in the uterus to enlarge it. If a patient is trying to get pregnant, Submucosal fibroids are visible.
  • Hysterosalpingography – This X-ray test checks the blockage of the fallopian tubes.
  • Hysteroscopy – A telescope with a light attached is inserted to check the uterine cavity. A saline injection is given to expand the uterus and fallopian tube walls.

Treatment to remove fibroids

There are different ways to treat fibroids if a woman is trying to get pregnant. Depending on the age, location of the fibroids, type, and size, the possibilities include:
A wait-and-watch approach- if the symptoms are low or none at all, there are chances that they may shrink and disappear. After menopause, they are no longer visible.

Medications- Some medication may be given, but the fibroids do not go away. They do reduce pelvic pain and discomfort.

Impact of Fibroids on Pregnancy

About 30% of women experience problems while conceiving. If they do get pregnant, there are complications. It may increase to 5 cm in the last two trimesters. Doctors check for underlying symptoms of fibroids in pregnant women as there are risks. They include:

  1. Foetal growth restrictions as there is less space in the womb.
  2. Placental Abruption: Placenta breaks away from the uterine wall. They reduce oxygen and nutrients from reaching the womb.
  3. This can be a cause of preterm delivery as pain accelerates contractions.
  4. Most women having fibroids require a C-section delivery.
  5. A breech position is formed as a result of the abnormal shape of thlacantae cavity.
  6. Chances of miscarriages are doubled.

If you are trying to get pregnant and finding it difficult, there are chances that it could be the reason. Visit our experts and understand the situation. Lotus Hospitals deals in high-risk pregnancies, and we try to offer the best solutions to be medically fit for you to have a baby. 

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