What medical conditions qualify as a high-risk pregnancy?

What medical conditions qualify as a high-risk pregnancy?

 Importance of a High-Risk Pregnancy Hospital 

Reaching motherhood safely is a dream come true for all ladies expecting babies. Unfortunately, some of them experience medical problems which lead to difficulty in carrying the foetus to term. Issues can occur at any age and require close attention from a knowledgeable obstetrician. If you are already pregnant or in the process, you must know which are the serious medical conditions that lead to a high-risk pregnancy. In such a case, approaching the best maternity hospital ensures a safety net when the baby is born.

Lotus Hospitals is located in Lakdikapul, Kukatpally and Visakhapatnam and is well known for handling high-risk pregnancies. The best medical team looks after women who require services to have a normal delivery and a healthy infant. If you have been told about possibilities of complications (by your doctor), we explain why you should choose a high-risk pregnancy hospital to deliver a healthy baby.

Normal Delivery and a Healthy Infant

Salient features of this medical post: 

  1. Most likely challenges and factors for expectant mothers
  2. Advanced testing and treatment options at Lotus Hospitals
  3. Prenatal diagnosis, follow-ups and post-delivery integrated care

Common factors that make expectancy a challenge

  1. Age
  2. Lifestyle factors
  3. Condition of the pregnancy
  4. Existing health conditions
  5. Risks for safe deliveries of babies

Each pregnancy is different, and an expectant mother like you needs to speak to her obstetrician before choosing a hospital for normal delivery. Let’s examine medically the above factors that you can watch out for.

Lifestyle and Existing health conditions – Complications arise due to alcohol, smoking or drug usage.

Watch out for:

High BP – It is critical to get the BP under control before getting pregnant. Uncontrolled BP is responsible for the complications. The baby can have a ‘low birth weight’. This condition is medically called Pre- Eclampsia.

PCOS – Today, many women have this issue and find it difficult to get pregnant. This is further complicated by gestational diabetes or High BP.

Advanced maternal Age – If you are over 35 years of age, there are chances of some challenges involved. Gestational diabetes commonly develops and creates obstacles for the would-be mother. Intrauterine growth restriction is yet another possibility that creates problems.

Pre-Existing Conditions – Medical conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension, Epilepsy, Cardiac Disorder, sexually transmitted diseases, and autoimmune are responsible for miscarriages. Blood disorders, obesity and depression add to the high-risk conditions.

Pregnancy-related Issues – Infections (COVID-19 included), shortened cervix, and history of premature birth add to the preterm labour. Multiple pregnancies (twins) cause extra bleeding, which is risky.

Advanced testing and treatment options at Lotus Hospitals

Being the best women’s hospital to handle complications of high-risk pregnancy of any degree, Lotus Hospitals has set the golden standards for advanced testing and treatment options for women. Advanced testing helps in minimising the medical problems affecting the chances of motherhood. We have excellent genetic testing and counselling sessions for couples.

As a high-risk pregnancy hospital, we offer prenatal diagnostic testing with the advanced equipment for 1st-trimester screenings and Ultrasound to understand the level of risk for the mother and the foetus. We help you to reduce potential complications with in-depth knowledge and medical training.

Deliver a normal child in the best maternity hospital in Hyderabad

Lotus Hospital provides guidance to couples wanting to have a normal delivery. Constant diagnosis is required, and our capabilities involve 6 parameters:

  1. Record of detailed medical history to identify risks
  2. Advanced ultrasound scans for chromosonal abnormalities like Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida or Heart defects
  3. Cell-free DNA testing, for miscarriages and defects a foetus might have
  4. Chronic Vilus sampling in the 11th or 12th week
  5. Amniocentesis for suspected problems
  6. Foetal echocardiography and its function in the utero. It also involves pediatricians

We provide guidance to couples wanting to have a normal delivery

Frequent follow-ups are required for monitoring

We have perinatologists who also are a part of the consulting team for high risk-pregnancies. As the case may need, they also offer guidance and monitoring for the success of the full term. As the pregnancy advances, if there is a necessity, labour will be induced, or the team will prepare for a C-section. It all depends on the risk factors for high-risk pregnancies, which allow doctors to use the appropriate treatment.

What makes Lotus Hospital the right choice for high-risk pregnancy checkup and delivery? 

  1. Highly Qualified Obstricticians
  2. Best Neonatal Team
  3. Good Diagnostic Services 

Which medical conditions qualify for a high-risk pregnancy?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Hypertension
  3. Epilepsy
  4. Cardiac Disease
  5. Autoimmune Conditions like SLE, Rheumatoid
  6. Infection in pregnancy

We are equipped with the best neonatal department, so the baby’s risks are minimised. Our doctors have the experience to handle low-weighing babies or premature birth cases. Advanced care is available for those born with respiratory complications. Collaborative care with the help of specialists provides access to the best outcomes.

Lotus Hospitals has a multidisciplinary team approach to ensure integrated healthcare as the best women’s hospital in India. Do call us for screenings and the best maternity services. We shall be happy to share your ‘good news’ and arrival in the healthiest way possible.


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