5 Smart Solutions for Parents of Picky Eaters

5 Smart Solutions for Parents of Picky Eaters

5 Smart Solutions for Parents of Picky Eaters

‘Picky Eaters,’ a word that’s more relatable to parents. The most common concern parents have with their children, worrying about not having a healthy or a proper mealtime. 

Young children’s tastes and food preferences change day to day and that’s difficult to keep up. A child may take more than 10 certain foods before selecting one of them. There is nothing to worry about if they are picky eaters because it is normal.

There are a few strategies that go along with parents, making their work easier. For other tips, read the blog “Pediatric Care Tips Every Parent Should Know”

Tips for Parents of Picky Eaters

Here are the 5 Tips for Parents of Picky Eaters

Offer different nutrient foods

Even if kids are not willing to eat everything that’s offered, it is very important what is offered to them. Giving them a wide variety of nutrient food and letting them explore their favorites makes the task more easier. 

  • Grains, roots, tubers and plantains
  • Dairy products
  • Meat and fish
  • Vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables
  • Pulses like nuts and seeds

Teamwork is important

The more children participate in preparing their meals, the more likely they are to eat them. 

  • Bringing a child to the market and allowing them to choose or express interest in fruits, vegetables, and other foods can be very beneficial. 
  • Talking about the names, appearances, smells, textures, and tastes of these foods can make the experience educational and engaging. 
  • At home, giving a child an age-appropriate task, such as stirring in a bowl or arranging cut vegetables, can foster a sense of pride in their creation and increase their excitement to taste it.

Small portions interests them

Toddlers and young children have much smaller stomachs than adults, about the size of a clenched fist.

  • They cannot eat the same portions as their parents at the table. 
  • It is important to offer an appropriate quantity of nutritious food to them and praise them for eating, even if it is just a small portion.

You are a role model

Kids love to imitate the behavior of parents they admire and trust. If a child sees an adult eating healthy foods or trying something new, they are more likely to want to try it too. 

  • Sitting down and eating together while discussing the food on the plate and expressing how delicious it is can encourage them to be more adventurous eaters. 
  • When they know that the adult is sharing the journey with them, they are more likely to become enthusiastic about trying new foods.

A big ‘NO’ to food rewards

  • Using food to praise good behavior can lead children to associate certain foods as “good” (like sweets) and other foods as “bad” (like vegetables). This mindset can result in unhealthy eating patterns in adulthood. 
  • Instead, offer non-food rewards such as playing a game together or taking a walk outside and make sure to follow through on the promise.

However, if you have any concerns about your child’s eating behaviors, Lotus Hospital has the best pediatric team, specializing in ensuring a healthy life. 

Book a consultation today to give your child the best care possible!

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