Kids Immunization Awareness: how it works to provide protection

Kids Immunization Awareness: how it works to provide protection

Kids Immunization Awareness: how it works to provide protection

Immunization saves lives. This is reason enough for parents to understand the importance of immunization for kids at an early age. It ensures that the next generation will be healthier and not suffer from debilitating diseases for the entire lifespan. Polio is one such example which should not burden our children. In some cases, a woman needs to be vaccinated for the safety of her unborn child. 

Lotus Hospitals emphasis on kids immunization awareness benefits for parents. Save your finances in bringing up a healthy child. With the help of the following information learn about when it is the right time for your babies to get vaccinated. 

As the best hospital for kids immunization awareness in Hyderabad, the doctors who provide the necessary information.

Kids immunization awareness benefits provided by Lotus Hospital, Hyderabad

Kids immunization awareness benefits provided by Lotus Hospital, Hyderabad

Avoid disabilities

By acknowledging the benefits of vaccination in childhood, you ensure a happy childhood. Did you know measles is one of the primary causes of blindness, deafness, or even mental disability in children? Be aware of it so that your child not only survives but thrives while growing up. They may be threatened by tetanus and diphtheria.

Some diseases are communicable. A young person with a weakened immune system is also affected. The coronavirus created havoc for several families. This is yet another reason to get timely immunizations for kids.

All the child requires is an oral dose at the right time for it to work.

Track all the required doses

The vaccine administered to the child is a dead or weakened version. When the child gets immunized the antibodies build up to stave off the disease. It will ensure that the child will not get the disease upon actual exposure. Hence, from birth, up to six years parents should opt for the shots.

At Lotus Hospital, we track of next doses and inform parents accordingly. We also hold programs related to child immunization awareness for parents. It is an essential record just like the birth document.

Once the child starts schooling a dose may be missed. It could also be missed if the child is sick. Even in such cases, the parents need to make time for the vaccinations. Often if one injection is missed, there are chances that the entire vaccination program will have to be repeated for the sake of the child’s health. In case a vaccine is repeated there is no reason to worry.

Make an appointment at Lotus Hospital the best hospital for kids immunization in Hyderabad

Make an appointment at Lotus Hospital the best hospital for kids immunization in Hyderabad

How many injections do children need?

As one of the best hospitals for kids immunization awareness, by the age of two years, the requirement is:

  • 2 for measles, rubella, mumps.
  • 2 vaccines for respiratory infection and meningitis.
  • 3-4 polio vaccines.
  • 4 for diphtheria, tetanus, and DPT.
  • 3 for hepatitis B.
  • 2 for chicken pox (as verified by the doctor.
  • 3 vaccines for rotavirus which causes infections.
  • 4 vaccines for pneumococcal disease. It is responsible for ear infections and pneumonia.

Booster doses can be given between the ages of 4 to 6 years for flu. A vaccine is also recommended for Hepatitis A.

When you come to the hospital, the doctors will also provide tips to handle common side effects like swelling at the injection site. For the sake of bringing up healthy children visit us and learn about the immunization programs for kids.