Decoding the complex web of hormonal imbalance: Treatment options at Lotus Hospital.

Decoding the complex web of hormonal imbalance: Treatment options at Lotus Hospital.

Decoding the complex web of hormonal imbalance: Treatment options at Lotus Hospital.

Nearly 80% of women have some issue connected to hormonal imbalance requiring medical attention. Detecting the accurate problem is complicated. Just to let you know, hormones are ‘chemical messengers’ in the body and reflect the health parameters of our organs. They are responsible for metabolism, fertility, pelvic pain, weight gain or loss, irregular menstrual cycles, and sleep. They do not fix themselves if something goes wrong. A visit to the gynaecologist is vital for hormone imbalance treatment.

Lotus Hospitals in Lakdi Ka Pul, Hyderabad, is renowned for its detailed attention to examine women of all ages. Doctors can help to bring balance to the body and keep the mind at ease. As one of the best hospitals for hormonal imbalance treatment, read on to get awareness.

You will understand

  • What a hormone imbalance feels like
  • Symptoms to watch out
  • Causes of hormonal imbalance in women
  • Treatment options in Lotus Hospitals

Hormone imbalance symptoms will make you feel uneasy. These are the following symptoms most women may experience:

  • Change in weight
  • Tired and fatigued
  • Feeling hot or cold at the same time
  • Hair and skin display changes
  • Irregular periods
  • Easy bruising
  • Sweating or hot flashes
  • Constant headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Vaginal dryness or pain
  • Change in breast size
  • Decreased libido
  • Digestive issues

Although the complex symptoms are apparent, the causes are difficult to interpret. An appointment with the endocrinologist will clarify several doubts with a suitable line of treatment.

One of the best hospitals for hormonal imbalance treatment is Lotus Hospitals, Hyderabad

One of the best hospitals for hormonal imbalance treatment is Lotus Hospitals, Hyderabad

Causes of hormonal imbalance in women can be traced to the above symptoms. It depends on the age and lifestyle. An endocrinologist is a specialist who will examine the thyroid gland. This is the first step to understanding the root cause. When this gland does not produce hormones, the condition is called hypothyroidism. When too many hormones are produced, it is called hyperthyroidism.

In the modern age, women may constantly deal with:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress at work or home
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Medical conditions
  • Emotional conditions

Only a specialist can diagnose and provide the right treatment to the patient. Comprehensive solutions are provided after the blood tests are done for the restoration of the chemical levels in the body. If a single hormone is overproductive, the treatment cannot suffice with only pills or injections. In rare cases, it may be necessary to do surgery to remove an affected gland.

As one of the best hospitals for hormonal imbalance treatment, Lotus Hospitals has doctors to treat a patient after the initial visit. The procedure follows after discussing the symptoms that the woman feels. Blood tests are prescribed for:

  • Thyroid Panel
  • CBC
  • Sex Hormonal test

If need be, additional tests are done like:

  • CT Scans for cysts or tumors (in ovaries)
  • Scan for adrenal and pituitary gland
  • Checking Insulin levels
  • Weight gain/loss or testosterone levels

After the reports are revealed, a diagnosis is interpreted. Each woman has a different reason for imbalance. Treatment depends on individual needs.

The problem is more than just mood swings in the female gender. In today’s times, they affect mental health. At the hospital, female-specific tracking hormones are tackled by doctors. Since this affects pregnant ladies, urine tests are also conducted. In the lab testing unit, technicians check the presence of high human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels. Samples of blood and urine are collected via home collection if the pregnancy is advancing.

Biologically, women tend to have more disturbances related to the chemicals in their bodies during pregnancy. At Lotus Hospitals, we try to understand the complex web of this ‘messenger’ in the body. Seek medical assistance by booking an appointment for your mental and physical health.