Menopause begins when the menstrual cycle has gone on for 12 consecutive years. Treatment can help alleviate the symptoms and maintain the quality of life. It is natural and usually begins when the periods stop. Diagnosed for 12 months without a menstrual period, vaginal bleeding or spotting, occurring in the…
Busting Contraception Myths: What’s Real and What’s Not?
Relying on internet information about contraception can be confusing, but understanding the myths and facts is crucial before drawing any conclusions. Contraceptive methods differ depending on the condition and the gynecologist might refer according to the health conditions, like; Hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills, IUDs or injections) Condoms or diaphragms…
Breastfeeding or Formula Milk: Which One is The Best?
Studies show that children born with low weight and breastfed for over eight months have higher IQ scores at ages seven to eight than those breastfed for shorter periods. Choosing between breastfeeding and formula feeding is a big decision for new moms. While people often criticize moms for their choice,…
Body Image Positivity – Every Parent Needs to Know
Body image is how someone thinks but has nothing to do with appearance, including size, height, shape or weight. Body image is acceptance, appreciating and respecting the body. It is associated with better self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-care. A negative or poor approach towards physical or mental health leads to depression,…